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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 ( 4:46 AM )

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the science and maths paper was sooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!i already lost 20 marks(from what i noe) from my maths paper!!!!and science...worst!!!!!!i think i won't be able 2 hit my a's this time....oh well,work harder next time!but grace was so funny!while she was thinking about the maths question,she dozed off!!!!!haha!!!she left 11 questions blank!!!!110 from section c and 1 from question b......can't believe that a person will acc doze off while thinkin about something during u'r most crucial time.....well,me.....i left 3 questions blank....ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!i couldn't think of anyway 2 solve the question!!!my mind practically "blacked-out"!!!!!no way!!!!and i'm sure that i found out i got 1 question from section b wrong!!!i already lost a total of 20 marks!!!!then plus those that i get wrong which i dun noe,ahhh!!!!!i think i'll pass,but not an a grade.and i think it MIGHT be a sixty plus again...or even worse.......2morrow chinese,my worse subject....oh well!

Monday, October 29, 2007 ( 3:16 AM )

Diao....science exam is 2morrow......so freaky....ms chua just raised her target 4 the pizza deal.....instaed of 100% passe4 both maths and science,now we must get at least 5 a's 4 both maths and science....5a's 4 science and 5a's 4 maths....argh!!!!!!so much preasure!!!!MY SCIENCE GRADE IS DRASTICALLY DROPING.....somehow....maybe cuz of my weakest topic;simple machines...........diao.....now i'm seriously gonna die.....but i must work hard 2 burn the hole i wanna in ms chua's pocket!!!!and let everyone in the class eat pizza!!!!muahahahaha!!So it seems i'm gonna try 2 hit my target....1...2...3....AIM!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 ( 4:56 AM )

-_-'''examz r here!!!!!!and the setter 4 the science(which practically is deproving a lot) paper is ms chua!!!!she said that her paper would at least be 3 times harder than ca2!!!!!and we made a deal with her......she said that if EVERYONE in our class passes(34/34) for BOTH maths and science,she'll cater pizza 4 the whole class!!!:p!!!!!But unless everyone doesn't improve,the deal is off!!!!her deal with 5 kindness was that the whole class of theirs get at least 75 and above 4 their science......that's kinda possible 4 them though.....4 us,we're at the average....but we'll still strive 4 the pizza!!!!!!!GONNA BURN A HOLE IN MS CHUA'S POCKET!!!!MUAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!SO EVIL!!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 ( 5:00 AM )

2day,it was basically boring lar.anywayz,my fav anime was soooo funny.i was laughin like mad.btw,all my fwen seem 2 be busy.whenever i message them,no reply...go on9 in msn,noboby.....such a bore!T_T!!!!Anywayz,when i saw mr goh's blog,my eyes ALMOST popped out!i saw that seraphina was grouped under 1 of the "good ppl" list who came 2 help out.....OH MY GOSH!!!!!I mean it's like,she onli comes 4 a few times and i simply dislike it.Sorry!!no offence meant...but i'm just sayin it from my own thoughts......