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Monday, December 31, 2007 ( 4:22 AM )

Hi all!sry larh...long time never post liao...n angeline just made her bloggie...she made a very rude post down there ok!btw,u know penut acc blushes when she calls timothy and jonathan's names when we were playing whacko...and when she gets near to carlson (cow),her face is about to explode!hax!!!!so it's like,she's the one who doesn't admit that she likes him...hax!i'm about to die from laughing!and angeline told me that cow told cheng peng that he likes her and cheng peng told angeline that she likes cow...hax.too many relationship problems..btw,mr goh has been my subordinate since the day i told him 2 call the smss conductor...anyway,g2g chat now!buh bye!

Sunday, December 23, 2007 ( 4:46 AM )

Sry 4 not bloggin' the last few days..2 busy watching my anime!so here's wat happened the past few days.Mrs Wah left smps alreadyT_T!but she said she'll come back 2 watch us perform our best 4 syf!

And i went 2 hana's party yesterday.It wasn't as fun as last year's,but her mom's pumpkin soup is still ichiban!her dog,peggy,was so cute.she looked so innocent with those eyes..but it's a trick!she's so playful..when we were eating lunch,she kept walking around..her fur kept tickling our feets!hax!natalie got a shock.she also took the leftover log cake and ate it!hax!so cute!her picture's on the right!

Thursday, December 20, 2007 ( 1:14 AM )

There are certain things happened during the days i have not blogged(other then the change of conductors).i'm not going 2 say those things though.

i seriously wanna kill peanut.she said she wants 2 join tennis in secondary school...T_T.maybe by the time i join in the club,she would have become a senior or junior.hax.i wouldn't mind angeline joining tennis cuz it's fun when she's around.she sometimes can be a devil too!we took the last picture with peanut and angeline simply irritated me with it.but i kinda also find the picture cute cuz of angeline n yanty...not peanut!so here are the pics we took!i took pics of peanut cuz she took pics of me!*by a very scheming way too!!!so,now i'm gonna sabo her by uploading pics of her!muahahaha!i'm so evil!

Monday, December 17, 2007 ( 2:14 AM )

2day SUUUPER fun!n quite sad....The sad thigee is that mr goh won't be conducting us 4 syf next year...mr chong will....so sad!T_Tmrs wah said that cuz mr chong is the student of the guy who composed the set piece 4 syf,he knows what standard the composer wants...but that doesn't give him the right 2 conduct us just 4 that reason!i prefer mr goh so much better compared 2 mr chong...and it's like,mr goh was the one who guided us all the way till now,just as we were warming up 2 him,the conductor changed..so sad....everyone in the band like prefers mr goh...i called mr goh 2 ask y..he said he'll settle it soon...wonder how much longer it will take.i fell like cryin cuz of band 4 the very first time...haiyo...so malu.

so the fun part begins here...we played captain's ball against other schools 2day..so fun.but had a lot of vulgarities.the guys from qiaonan were acting cool...when i was free (as in open space),the tall guy said in malay to two other boys 2 defend me...hax..ran almost like 3/4 of the court and played a feint and went back...can't believe they so blur.still got other stuff...but dun wanna type out..endin post now!buh bye!

Thursday, December 13, 2007 ( 5:22 AM )

so i found out cheng peng actually DID slap a guy...i was like,OMG!i couldn't believe she actually dared 2 slap boys.hax.onli 9 ppl came 4 band 2day (Thursday's always the worst) i think the rest died from exhaustion from yesterday....but 2day quite fun...we didn't practice at all...first,we had 2 move all the instruments from music room 1 back 2 the band room(that was not fun.next,repacked the WHOLE band room (super duper not fun)!lastly,WE PLAYED!!!hax.we played freeze n melt first followed by mushroom then shark.hax.shark was so fun...we kept sabo-ing mr goh n fed him 2 the sharks..n during break time,we went 2 the canteen...so funny!i used han wei's Nike bottle 2 spray mr goh.hax...then after he finished his drink,left the ice,he threw all of them on me!!!argh!but....i used the bottle and squeezed the water out onto his head!!!hax...then went back 2 band room 2 hide in the dark.also very fun!xD!went 2 ymca after band.so sad...kam,bell n judith all went 2 bowling with kam then went 2 her house....leaving mua all alone...so cruel!oyasumi nasai!*translation in english."good night!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 ( 4:44 AM )

band xchange was so freaking scary.....my hands were trembling...hax,so didn't slap any boys though...(of cuz!)but i gotta admit,2day's performance was horrible... kaarthika....SHE TOTALLY 4GOT 2 PLAY THE SOLO!!!gosh..acc,i didn't even noe until han wei told me..cuz all i could hear was the percussion!the onli part i could hear was the melody part....diaoz....n i also 4got 2 play at the beginning...mr goh said,"bells,can u start?"then he haven't raise his baton yet,janice started playin!!!i was like,huh?start already arh?i didn't even noe where i was..i just kept rolling.n the timpani's tone from hougang,it sounds so weird....i dun even noe if it's the correct tune.i still prefer the school's one.c'ya!xD

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 ( 5:22 AM )

went band 2day again n went 2 bukit timah.*sigh...the xchange comin near!!!ahhhh!!!scared if i play wrong note i'll die...n i mean seriously..so,went 2 bukit timah nature reserve.T_T i was the onli p5 who went.mdm fu asked us 2 choose a p1 girl 2 take care of.i took sheryl.she's quite kawai,though.it was raining,so couldn't climb 2 the summit.so sad.n couldn't see the monkeys,so so sad.anyway,2day very boring larh.bb!<3

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 ( 5:03 AM )

i didn't post 4 very long liaoz...(2 busy doin other stuff!)so,2day,went 4 band lorh...acc 2day quite fun...angeline came....yanty couldn't come,her pop didn't allow.i thought she 4got 2day had band...so,peanut came,couldn't bother much bout her n didn't really tok 2 her(as usual)...but she still has that funny attitude.i was suppose 2 go 2 singapore discovery centre next wed,but have the band xchange.so,cannot go...T_T!!judith,kam,issabelle n amanda all going!!noooo!!!*sigh...anywayz,a lot of things happen 2day in band....2 tired 2 type out!hax!