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Thursday, January 31, 2008 ( 3:46 AM )

Valencia's reletives are so damn cruel!! Two science freaks who use animals as tools for experiment, one who tears her stuff,bullies pets and ppl, who ended up in the hospital 783 times! And another one who over feeds her pets! I was like, OMG! So damn freaking cruel lah! And tomorrow's the rehersal day... so freaking scary! And the stupid scrape from like about 3 days ago still hurts like hell!!! T_T!! It's like the skin's rotting.. Freaking pain and scary! Oh ya, forgot to say how i fell.... *Ahem... Once upon a time.....*next scene...

I think it was Esther or Brenda or Hana's idea to go down to the basement, right at the corner... Where Esther or Hana said a murder took place, and the police came (i dun believe her!)... We went into the dark side, and i saw something shinning RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DARK SIDE WITH NO LIGHT SOURCE AT ALL!!! I looked to my left, there was something that looked like a skull... I told everyone NOT TO FREAK OUT after hearing what i wanted to tell them... Before i could say a word, someone freaked out and ran... The whole group followed.. Including moi! Of course! We hid behind a pillar (i was hugging it! So happy to see the outside again!) , thinking there was someone coming... But there was no one... After hearing very closely, i asumed that there was someone cutting grass and ran!!! Then while running, slipped on the metal drain and *POM!!! fell down...-_-'''

After this incident, Hana's been asking us almost everyday,"So, wanna go down again?"
Of couse, i said no way! No way am i going to scrape the other knee! Esther was like, No! Damn freaky! Don't dare to go down anymore!!! Hax! But it was fun lah! Signing off!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 ( 4:03 AM )

I RACED WITH EMILY FOR THE SELECTION TRAIL!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? EMILY YOU KNOW! E-M-I-L-Y! I was like, OMG! I"m racing with HER?!? Then when i said, "Shit!" And she also said,"Shit!", Ms Kok said that there was plenty in the toilet bowl! Sick! I was like damn scared of her, and she's scared of me! She shouldn't be scared of me leh! She runs fast leh sia! First time we raced, i was about 1 and 1/2 metres away from her... 2nd time we tied almost at the same time... about 1 or 2 inches away from her! Damn tired lah! Somemore the racing took place at mount emily! Mrs Chong was like, "Tsunami coming! Tsunami coming!" when Daisy was runing like damn fast! I think she's the captian for 2008...

And Esther beat Rachella! I"m like so damn happy 4 her! I hate Rachella! So stuck up and snobish! !@#%^&$&*!!! And my injury from the fall from yesterday still hurts like hell lah! ONE WHOLE "LUMP" OF PAST WAS STUCK THERE! Like toasted chesse! Sick! And the band is going to the Singapore Confrence Hall on this coming Friday for rehersal! So fast sia! Xena just told me that we'll be meeting Qiao Nan there. And Mrs Cheong selected some new recruits who play horribly to join us at the rehersal! Thay might be participating for SYF!!! Die sia... And ova 18 is FIANLLY out!!<3 YEAH!But only the raw version..-_-''' Just waiting for the sub version! And hopes Val lends me the Fruba manga 9 and 10... G2G's! BB!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 ( 4:15 AM )

Sia... Today i fell down! Pain like hell lah! Tomorrow selection trail 4 sports day some more! ^%$@^&*(^%^&*!!! Then Daisy told me that Mrs Bala threaten her to run slower than Suriya or else... Hax! I didn't care! I asked Daisy to run her fastest speed!Haiya! 2day nothing nice to blog about! so, bb!

Monday, January 28, 2008 ( 3:38 AM )

Wah Lao eh! I simply dislike my class dis year! I asked Guthigay about her opinion on appealing for a transfer to 6Joy. She said that she also wants to appeal if it's allowed... But if i want to appeal must have a good reason....-_-'''

Band today so damn fun lorh! we recorded the Celebrata and when we played it, the cornets were blasting! The whole band laugh like mad lah! Mr Goh, count yourself lucky today since i didn't step on you "army boots"! And i only beat you once today... Today didn't really get to bully you..:p And Valencia came 4 band, but she simply refused to play her trombone! Then Jing Yi was like, "Valencia's not the type that likes being scolded." Mr goh and I protested saying, "We've been too kind to her(me), catering for her needs! She's taking us for granted!"(Mr Goh) *Please don't be offended if you're reading dis Val!:p

And SUPER(X1000) bad news sia! Mrs Cheong said that the school might be closing down the band cuz we're not making any progress! SYF always bronze, poor attendance conduct, blah blah blah! But i really hope they don't disband it like chess last time!T_T Praying hard!

Saturday, January 26, 2008 ( 9:17 PM )

Hi!!! Today got tuition...(sian lah) Sharen's not coming 4 tuition next week!!!T_T Anyway, still got tons of hw haven't do... And my links part is still in a mess.... SRRY!!! Haiya! Have to ask *censored* to help me do again! Very short post for today!

( 4:14 AM )

Hi! Today must do finish all the hw.. sian lah... And to *censored*,thanks 4 helping me do my blog! Then tomorrow got tuition for 3 hours STRAIGHT without any breaks! can die man! and i met Andrea.L at cristofori today! i didn't know she learnt piano there! wateva lah... i went to popular to buy the fruits basket manga... I'm kinda obsessed with it. but I'm more obsessed with pot~! Srry,Srry, blog in a BIG MESS!I"l settle it when i hab time!that's 4 now!Buh bye!

Friday, January 25, 2008 ( 3:52 AM )

YES!The weekends are FINALLY here! But got damn lot of hw+tution hw+tution!!! Today hab band.. The deal 4 syf is..*drum roll... Gold=chalet+BBQ! GOLD WITH HONOUR=TRIP TO JAPAN WITH THE BAND ALONE! YIPPEE!! But at the rate we're goin at, it's like...nvm! surprisingly, Valencia came 4 band today.. Her blog's still dead(no offence)... If you're reading this post, DON'T KILL ME! It's already 25th January yet ova 18 isn't up! @#$&^*! just hope that it isn't going to be delayed again! I've been waiting for its release since last year! BTW, the sec 1's came 2 visit the school today.. cause of a water pipe that broke in their school, they were dismissed early. But peanut nvr come... Humph! Consider her lucky! I was itching to kill her! But i have a secret of hers to reveal! PEANUT LIKES TIMOTHY! ANGELINE LIKES JONATHAN! LOL!

And today we did the play for the Chinese thingee... Jolene was like so damn funny! I laughed like siao lah! And i'm really surprised at someone who didn't forget me(which i thought she would).... She's someone i really love (as a friend) cuz she makes mi day when I'm with her! Just thinking about her makes me remember of 5joy AGAIN... sia...must be the music I'm listening to now(Hill song united-devotion)...a little bit like memories i treasure<3 so sad the one i was suprised with has no intention of going to smss. i swear on this life that i will come back to smss one day to visit! so fast lorh... it's like, 170+ days to prelims, 1 or 2 months b4 av juniors, 3 months b4 i retire 4 band and syf, 11 months and 6 days before this year ends!

Thursday, January 24, 2008 ( 3:13 AM )

ARGH!!! THE STUPID BLOG SKIN WON'T LISTEN TO ME!!! @#$%&*%&! Anyways, i wanna wish my good friend, Angeline a very happy birthday! Don't cry, don't stop, just smile! It's your birthday! Hope that after u read this post, u'll feel happy!! And here's one of my "reflections" that i wanna say it out loud to *censored*

I know that i hurt you, but i really hope one day you'll come back to join us.. You're always welcomed! If it's your choice, i won't stop you any more. But if this situation becomes uncontrollable, I'll step in little by little. Try to accept fate and reality. This is something you can't control. I'll be looking forward to seeing you step in once more into that room. Hope you are reading this post<3

And i hate p6 live... Damn stressful! Parents nag like hell, homework here homework there, remedial, supplementary, BLAH! I really want to transfer to 6joy!T_T Anyways, there's something which happened during recces when i ALMOST cried... Thanks to *censored* but after *censored* explained the situation, i kinda forgave her.. wonder if it's a lie or the truth.. But i think I'll trust her! That's all for now! BB!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 ( 3:49 AM )

Hi's! Today hab remedial... it was kinda ok lah.. the only lesson that i felt like sleeping today was M.E. T_T such a pity ms Chua isn't teaching me anything... but she's teaching like almost the whole p6 level M.E! Her M.E lessons are always my favourite! I don't know how i got into kindness but i''d rather be in Joy! Nvm lah! Must study hard this year then end of year party! today quite boring.. so not much to blog bout!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 ( 3:26 AM )

YES! Han Wei said that i could return to her the fruba CD to her on Friday... Got more time to watch! And there wasn't any cca's or wateva's today... But at YMCA was like so damn fun (cuz of the p6's only!)... I hardly did any homework! But that supervisor just came in for no good reason and told us to pick up all our stationery for playing hopscotch... (I'm sorry i used this word!) I so hate her! That ms Vim also lah! Then oyster (Esther) went to make a YMCA P6's weekly news... Esther was the "chief editor" tiff was the "headline editor" and i was the "gossip editor" the gossips was like rubbish to me OK... But when i let all of them read, they burst out laughing! -_-?? But i also ended up laughing with them cause their laugh was so contagious! But i think it's kinda OK lah... Btw, Judith wasn't really angry with me... So she's now my friend again... I think too much into the matter...-_-'' Nothing else!

Monday, January 21, 2008 ( 3:17 AM )

Band was kinda fun today. Cuz we kept laughing like siao.. And i tried to stop Valencia today. But, as expected, she "forced" her way out of the school gate... She's one problematic girl.. But i suppose she'll come back for band 4 some reasons which i simply cannot expose.. lol.. And i FINALLY got the fruba CD! But now Han Wei have the manga.. i was like, sia... u like got like every fruba thingees.. Anyway, Judith seems to be angry with me!?! I have no idea why OK... And i didn't do anything wrong which will affect her.. I just don't know why she's ignoring me.. Tiff claims that she said that she is angry with me...T_T One of my best friends gone?!? NOOOO!!! Judith's one of my bestie... Must ask her why tomorrow if not I'll loose her.. BTW, Esther, has already told me 13 SPOILERS about Naruto... I know she's mad about it but I'm not as mad as she is! I just watch it to "kill time" while waiting for ova 18 to be uploaded.. So i did manage to change the blog skin but all my posts ended up flying! Just hoping that it works out well... I think that's about it! Buh bye!

Friday, January 18, 2008 ( 4:14 AM )


Hopes that person remembers this well. And btw,i found out y Val didn't come to band today. She had fever (acceptable), then she almost suffered a higher fever during P.E under the sun (not a choice), then SHE DRANK BUBBLE TEA TO MAKE IT WORST SO SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO COME FOR BAND! (unacceptable!) lol! And that Jia Jun kept talking about 5joy today during Chinese period that i teared!T_T But i can't deny the fact that i miss my class, friends and teachers a lot...5joy '07 will be my best years in SMPS..


Thursday, January 17, 2008 ( 3:53 AM )

The fruba CD has arrived:D But Hanwei said that she'll be watching it first:D..T_T But at least i still get to watch it! And i'm like,gonna buy the whole series of my fave mangas after psle if i do well..wish me luck! Esther's been bugging me to watch the neji and tenten amv thingy. At first i didn't want to cuz got spoilers...but soon after i didn't care already..lol!speaking of esther, i gave her a *censored*(NOT A KISS! FYI for you sick-minded people!) today... Done in order of waking her up...not anything else! I gotta end my computer time early cuz i still have to learn my Chinese spelling.... I simply dislike it! But i have to do it in order not to eat another breakfast of...you know what i mean right? And there's gonna be band tomorrow.. I used to hate band like it was the source of all evil... But now i kinda like it..... lol! And to a particular person,:(I'm sorry to have vent my anger here!) I know that you find me lame or whatever, but i simply dislike it if you ignore me if i don't talk to you! And further more, you can go talk nonsense on your blog about me or whatever you wanna do! I'm fed up with the kind of attitude as a friend you give me! BIG EXCLAMATION MARK! Done with the post!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 ( 3:26 AM )

So it seems Esther's gone a little crazy over Neji.lol. And i made an arrangement with her that after PSLE, i may be staying over at her house(maybe!!!) but i hope my parents allow..and i just found out today other people's blog!finally some people who have blog of my level..all the past blogs I've been visiting was mostly the sec 1's..I'm trying to download the blog skin and the music player..but the com always says that either the ending tag is not closed or the body format is not welled formed...I'm so pissed off!@#$%^&*!!anyway,I'm still waiting 4 ova 18 to be up. And i asked Han Wei 2 help me ask Wei Ping to lend me the fruits basket CD!!yeah!i don't think i have anything else to blog about. Toddles!

Friday, January 11, 2008 ( 5:29 AM )

Angeline told me that peanut was supposed 2 come today.but she didn't come in the end..T_Ti missed my chance to kill her!anyway,i think i won't be posting 4 quite some time this year.mainly cause I'll be busy.busy watching anime or either to busy revising 4 psle.at least after the psle i can play the com 4 as long as i want without parents nagging!warning 2 u people who are bout to become p6:please don't faint,break down,or cry during u'r p6 year.trust me.once psle is over,u can be so crazy to the extent that u could jump of a building!(joking!)but i must work hard this year!to get gwh 4 syf and hit my psle mark target an get into st. marg's second.=p!g2gs!buh bye!<3

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 ( 4:51 AM )

Hi people!so long never blog already...(as usual)i was 2 busy watching anime or doing other stuff..actually, ms Aik can be quite fun leh...and i think i got some info on band...it starts on 14th January,MONDAY...i thought it was this week's MondayT_T..and Angeline said that peanut msgd her and said that she MIGHT be coming next week...YES!but at the same time,NO!i want her 2 come cuz i haven't killed her 4 saying something terrible..and i don't want her to come cuz i still "hate" her.watever!she only MIGHT be coming...so i don't really have anything 2 worry about..and i think i 4got 2 mention this...Esther and Emily all like naruto!hax..Esther likes neji.Emily likes pain.i dun know about myself cuz i just watch naruto to kill time...g2g!buh bye!

Saturday, January 5, 2008 ( 1:05 AM )

YES!BAND STARTS ON MONDAY!i missed band so much during the holidays. So weird... My first time i was so desperate 4 band and school... but it beats staying home and doing nothing and just playing... And drea came back from Melbourne already! yeah! finally can hang out with her cuz she didn't come 4 band during the holidays.. and i got back my favourite maths tuition teacher! saved!hax. but i still miss 2007...T_Ti really didn't think I'd miss 07 this much...anyway,it's like 170+ more days 2 psle (written)..it's so freaky. and Hana told me that Claudia (p2) bullied her in bus...i was like,'omg!u were bullied by a p2?you should feel ashamed!'hax..nothing else 2 blog about!buh bye!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 ( 4:16 AM )

Starting from 2day,I'm already a p6.T_T...it's stress time..and my form teacher turned out to be ms Aik!i was like,omg..SHE'S my form teacher?!?and on the first day of school,we were already given homework.we started algebra 2day..but she only taught us the basics.T_T!!Mrs chong and ms c.chua won't be teaching me any subjects..*sigh...some classes are so lucky.grace got ms j.chua.joy got ms goh.charity got Mrs zulklifi,devotion got mrs chong!!!patience got ms kok!!and whenever no one volunteers for something,ms aik will computer pick the register no.!ms j.chua is even stricter!she said that no ink pens were to be used 4 any of her works,no tears in assignments will be accepted,no correction tape to be used!acc i QUITE lucky that i wasn't in her class..but she's also very kind to her class..except that in some things,she's very strict.i think I'll end the post now!ta-tas!