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Friday, February 29, 2008 ( 2:40 AM )

I dun noe if i'm happy or sad.. When i read some ppl's posts,it really makes me-- (Dunno how 2 say!)Eg. If you feel that someone whom you know in real life acts so "tough" in school,but saying such soft words on her blog like a coward is totally a blow to me! ----*Speechless.... To tell the truth, I dun really post my real thoughts on my blog.. I"m sure some you don't too, afraid of being mocked by your friends that you were such a "softie" when blogging who acts "tough" in school... I'd rather write them all down in a private place... But when i saw her blog, it had such soft words that i'd never imagined she would say! Nothing else to say,speechless.

Thursday, February 28, 2008 ( 4:04 AM )

The career semina was so damn fun!! Thought it would be boring like seow but i so lurve it that i wanna go again!!!<3>MY JYUKKEN!!! Haha! But i won't be so bad as to tell u where it is! Nothing much left~ <3 Oh ya... My blog's in a little bit of a mess... so bear with it... too lazy 2 change now...zzzz

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 ( 3:54 AM )

YES!!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!!!CA IS OVER!!!!WHOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO DAMN HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha! Wah sia...can't imagine...only after ca1 i'm so damn happy means that i was under a lot of stress... Then for PSLE...... Can't imagine if i'll go insane!!! Anyway the chi paper was so damn hard lah! Fail liao... Fail... T_T!!!! I didn't even get a single thing the compre was! Anyhow do the WHOLE THING! Lost dunno how many marks liao... Next most important thing coming up is..... &Drumroll.... SYF!!!! Just pray hard that we'll achieve a higher standard!<3

And i'm so damn dissapionted with *censoredSSSS* there are S' ah!!! Can't believe *cencoredSSSS* would have betrayed me... T_T

Monday, February 25, 2008 ( 3:53 AM )

Die liao lah..exam! The science paper damn hard leh! I scared i fail T_T... Maths!!!! Ms Aik told us the no. of ppls who achieved the grades ald... NO ONE GOT GRADED "C" ON MATHS!!! YES!!! 2 A*,18 a's and 18 b's!!! Sia.. I bet i'm in B leh...T_T Guthigay,Oyster and Emily so confident they'll get "A" leh!!! T_T The class average for maths is 76!! OMG!!! It's an "A" leh! I mean it's like, my class average last year was NEVER BEYOND 70!!! I'm not used 2 having such a high average when u can't meet the expectations sia... Omg, then tuesday chinese leh! DIE!! My worst subject lorh! Lao shi said that the comprehesion wasn't easy!!! Feel like stabbing myslef with a kunai now....

Thursday, February 21, 2008 ( 3:37 AM )

Haha... My funniest day of av... Ms Chua for no good reason came up to stage and was like, hiding behind the curtains on the left (we were on the right).... Then it's like
Ms Chua kept looking at our side lah... Damn freaky! But we were all hiding behind the curtain laughing like seow lah.. Stacia was like trying to see Ms Chua then Ms chua was like looking directly at her! Then moi... I was so stupid lah! I held on to the mikle stand and tried to see wether Ms Chua was looking at us or not... THen Ms Chua was also like directly looking at me sia!

When carrot wanted to badmouth Ms Chua, Ms Chua walked to our side! Carrot immediately kept qiuet lah...Then she ran to hide behind another cutain... I couldn't stand it anymore lah! Faster ran to where carrot and the rest was and LOL-ED! My stomach still hurts lah... Then today i still laugh like seow!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 ( 3:16 AM )

Hellos! hellos! Sia... yesterday do too many sit-ups until my stomach pain like seow..... Then i kept telling all my friends not to make me laugh but they make me laugh even more!!!! grhhh!! Then at ymca i laugh the most (it's always like that~)! Thx to Oyster,Tiny,Zhudi,Breadae,hansy and ong ong! T_T tomorrow got p.e somemore! haiya... JUIst hope i dun laugh so much 2morrow thx 2 some ppl!!!! Counting down 2 CA1... 2 more days left! die liao...die!!! I thought the Career semina thingy was 2morrow but it's next week~ And guthigay's coming along! yeah! there were 3 more open spaces!!! <3

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 ( 4:56 AM )

ahhh!! EXAM COMING! STRESS STRESS STRESS! My maths ratio like want to die already lah sia~ Science princaple of conservation of energy is my worst topic! And the worst is, IT COVERS 60% OF THE WHOLE PAPER!!!! DIE DIE DIE! Chinese is like, the worst subject... ENGLISH!!! MY SUBJCT VERB-AGREEMENT!! AHHH~~~

Enough with exams! Haha~ we were doing puch ups in ymca... Amanda's form was like so damn funny lah~ *shouldn't badmouth her!!* But it was really damn funny! DUn get offended if u read this ah ong!

Sunday, February 17, 2008 ( 3:01 AM )

Sian lah... p6 a lot of homework... It's drivin me crazy!!! Lao shi give like 20 pgs of revision papers+chinese compo+chinese compo correction+chinese journal!!! Ms Aik at least kinder... She give Maths+Science... Science quite a lot but it's quite easy lah... MRS YEO EVEN KINDER!!! She gave 1 ws only!!! 1!!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!! I haven't do my chinese yet.. can't concentrate lah... dun noe why... after waking up from sleep then cannot do... Funyzzz

Friday, February 15, 2008 ( 3:57 AM )

*censored* thinks i should stop caring about **censored* cuz *censored* thinks that **censored* may harm or influence me...-_-''' i know i'm using quite a lot of censored's cuz *censored* knows that i'm refering to *censored*.... This *censored* knows *censored*.... Getting sick of using censored's.... Anyway, *censored* thinks **censored* is trying to ***censored*... But i dun know... It's just to terrible to see **censored* ****censored*.... It's driving me crazy!!! Oh ya,if u dun noe how to diff the censord's, count the number of *** be4 the censored's.... I know it's troublesome yea~ but bear with it!!!<3 All i can say is gomenasai!!!

Then P.E today we play against steffi's team... Wah lao... So calculative lah! NO!!! iIT'S NOT OUT!!! IT'S IN... NO!!! TACKLE 2 TIMES ONLY! WAH LAO! Bianca say dun care about them... cuz next time if they wanna be rubgy player as their career, they'll surely fail... I dun care lah!! Nthng much happen today except that i'm waiting for fruba volume 13... Ahh!!! I think i'm obsesed with fruba....

Thursday, February 14, 2008 ( 3:52 AM )

This dude abouve is Neji a.k.a Oyster's (Esther) fiancee....P.s Just a gentle reminder... Dun ever tell oyster u like Neji.. She'll kill you.... I mean it!
Me and Ongy (Amanda a.k.a my best friend...some of u may be suprised that a shortie's my best friend.... but diff ppl have diff opinions leh...)
Guthigay!!!C'm!!!Hit it higher!!!
Nicy and Han Wei
Haha...I looked horrible... My hair was flying... But this was taken with Judith and Kamelia which are my good friends.. Judith's one of mi bests....
Hansy showing her beautiful teeth...haha
Too engrosed... Maybe she's staring at Neji...LOLS
Haha...Just found this cute...NOT THAT PEANUT OK!
once again...NOT THAT PEANUT.....So sad jan wasn't in this photo....T_T

Hehe...Some kinda edited it<3 href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhlfh0Uak7jqOx2nXm7QU68l04OS1SeXkzTBvGGWxnRM731gOEZgPUWN292VtDvP5ZVTtnqv3sDrqA7acFA89WwYBSRlOSZ_kGmFnSY_3sXXU1JLSLDWXdpf-kK0KNQOdnL7TeJt1uIAIw/s1600-h/Image004.jpg"> She actually smiled at the camera!?!
Da Lollies

Bredae (Brenda) with her "fantastic" cube (that's what she calls it... I think....-_-''')

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 ( 5:52 AM )

Haha!!! Ms Goh's Chinese is damn lousy sia... I'm really stating a fact... She took us for Chinese remedial today!!! Lao shi didn't comeT_T.... We went to the library to watch a show called "Doggy Poo". I thought it was some kind of disgusting thing at first but it turned out to be so KAWAI (cute)!!!! There was one part where there was "Mr. Soil". At first me and Tiny(Tiffany) tought it was lao sia... HAHA!! But it really looked like one leh! Can't blame me and tiny ok.... After the show, Ms Goh told us to write our reflections on the story.... 50 words leh!!! Amanda did 53 words... Haha... She just made it...

Amanda's suddenly so obsesed with fruba!! Now she's like taking forever to read volume 11!!! #$%%&(^&^$$&^!!!! I CAN'T STAND THE TENSION!!! I NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED AFTER VOLUME 10!! They stopped right at the so damn gan jeong part lah sia!!! Pissed off... Then decimal point/dot (Desih...I "renamed" her) was arguing with me about the fruba characters... She kept saying that Kyo was better blah blah blah... But in the end.... She forgot who was Kyo and who was Yuki-_-'''.... Haha... Can't blame her 4 not remembering.. She only read a few volumes... Then.... BYE!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 ( 4:10 AM )

I think that sensei's right... Just "dun bother" about HER and move on... Haha... Finally he said something wich makes sense!!! LOL! (Joking!!) It's really a hard descision 4 me to make which will make a great impact on my life and many sacrifices are needed. But if i really feel out of place, I'll take the step and transfer.... It's better than being a loner.... I miss 2007 so much.... Especially 5 Joy... It's unimaginable... At the begining of last year, i felt kinda scared Ms Chua was my form teacher... HAHA! Nvr expected that she was so fun leh.... It's like, HALF OF 5 JOY '07 IS IN 6JOY!!! Amanda, Pig (peggy), Kaili (Kelley), Chloe, Desih, Blah blah blah!!! Haiya!!! I AM DAMN PISSED OFF BY HOW MY CLASS TREATS ME!

Monday, February 11, 2008 ( 3:35 AM )

Sometimes i feel i'm getting rejected..
Rejected forcefuly...
It's not a matter that can be solved easily...
But if U choose it to be this way,
Go ahead...
I can't make desicions for you...
I was never regarded as a friend...
But u exagerrated it to BEST FRIENDS.
I would also love to treat u as my best friend...
But there's just too many reasons to it...
I know you're hiding what U really think of me...
But i hope one day U and your clique will reconsider...
How it feels like being in this state where no one cares....
Where NO ONE cares wether you exist or not...
It's futile, no matter how hard i try...
U were someone regarded as my 3rd best friend...
But i mistook...
Mistook the fact about my existence...
Is it really so hard to try?

Saturday, February 9, 2008 ( 10:12 PM )

Long time nvr post liao! Cuz go bai nian-ing mah... I've got approval from mum about the class transfer... But i some kinda like, dun wanna transfer... But wanna transfer at the same time... Can't make up my mind! Haiya.. Wtv lah! Talk about CNY! It's gonna past very soon... And we'll be in secondary... I wanna go SMSS cuz quite a lot of polka doties are going there too:P But my best friend's pop doesn't want her to go SMSS!!!! JC doesn't want to go cuz her uncles teaching there! #$%^#^&%!!! I think Oyster wants to go SMSS... Hany also.. But i pray that Ongy and JC goes to SMSS!!!!<3

Tuesday, February 5, 2008 ( 10:07 PM )

Chinese new year eve!! Yeah! Play com like seow! But damn busy backstage... Can die man! So sad recieve hong pao from any teachers..T_T wateva lah! Short post, nothing to say... BB!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008 ( 2:17 AM )

Ello!!! Very long never post liao... Anyway, during the rehersal, Xena play like damn good lah! Than later she told me that Qiao Nan was going for their VERY FIRST SYF!!! But it's like so unbelievable lah! They play so well for their FIRST SYF?!? No way! Still find it hard 2 believe! But i still believe we'll play our very best for SYF! HEHE!!!

And i'm damn stressed out lah! So much hw! I might as well knock my head on the wall then say i got head concusion cannot do hw! Sian lah... some more sick...-_-''' And i reapet myself once more, I HATE PEOPLE WHO BACKSTAB, BETRAY, AND GOSSIP ABOUT MY FRIENDS! I'M NOT POINTING A FINGER TO ANYONE HERE OK! JUSST HATE IT LIKE HELL CUZ OF AN INCEDENT!