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Monday, March 31, 2008 ( 4:56 AM )

Haha! Cool shot bredae!!!
One for the camera!!! Say Cheeeseeeeeee!!!
Two for the camera!!! Say..SAYONARA!!!T_T
Her and Mua

Haha! Tiffany!!<-----Should smile nicer next time!! haha! *No offence! JKJK!!! Too engrosed reading a book AGAIN! <----LOOK AT ME!! OVER HERE!! The main lead's balloon who took her leave today.. haha!
Our ballons!
*cnt upload vid!!! Sry!!!

( 3:42 AM )

And today was the official last day of JUDITH in YMCA!!!!(i know i'm being quite dramatic) Haha! It was fun... Then that **** came around.... With her hair let down let pontiana, and going around THROWING SAND like a lunatic! Then some ppl tried to figth back... i didn't bother... cause she was just trying to get us angered and furious. But all of our bodies and hair have sand liao lah!! Haiya! Dun care liao lah! We drank about like 2litres or gassy drinks+packes and packets of snacks.. Argh... bloated liao...

Esther wanted to compete with me for swinging.. so we just compete lorh.. SHE SWING UNTIL DAMN HIGH CAN?!? Her whole body was almost gonna do a 180 man! Haha! Took some photos+videos. Uploading them later!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 ( 3:34 AM )

Lols!Just typed out the first OP for bleach.I just like the lyrics. The song acctually like rock/pop music?!? Nothing to type mahs...except for the later post!

Look up at the light of the stars in the night sky(x2)
the bell toll echos
far and wide in the heart.
Like in a story, stellar droplets fall,
and inside narrow tracks are built.
As time goes by, the times will change.
The drifting stars will quietly move.
If you close your eyes and listen closely,
Release the light,
don't give up,be strong.
Now let 'em out until it reaches someone.
The light of glory lies beyond here,
it's the story we all create together.
Look up at the light of the stars in the night sky.
The thoughts and wishes of the past will cross the ages.,
and arrive just as vividly.
In your sparkling eyes,
someone's scream is reflected.
"Feelings of the wind,wishes to the moon,today i'll live my fullest too."
Look up at the light of the stars in the nigh sky,
The thoughts and wishes of the past will cross the ages,
and arrive just as vividly.
One day,our feelings will reach someone's hearts as well.
Shine on!
Like that star!

Monday, March 24, 2008 ( 4:47 AM )

zzzz... So tired today.... Last night stay up until 2 to do the stupid H.E project lah... Some more today go to Singapore conference hall... We played damn horribly can?!? Everyone broke down.. It was damn obvious-_-''' No stamina, no rhythm, no loud sound and no high notes.... So horrible.. But at least we made an effort to try<3 And I've officially received fruba 14 and 16 from val! Hontoni arigato gozeimatsu! Can't wait for the rest!! :p

Saturday, March 22, 2008 ( 11:45 PM )

zzz........Stupid H.E project!!! No ideas come to my mind!!! Haiya.. If group work then so much better lorhs... Monday-SYF band rehearsal @ SCH with Qiao Nan. YEAH!!!!!!!!! zzzz.....There's nothing much to talk about.

To *Censored*......
You do have qualities in you! Just that you don't realise them. It takes time. If you give everything your best shot, and even if you fail, you did your best. Work hard and you'll achieve what you want. If u commit yourself, I'm sure you'll be successful! Cheer up!<3

Thursday, March 20, 2008 ( 4:18 AM )

What happened to US? It wasn't our fault. You claim that we started it first. But without getting your facts right, you just side with her! So now the 7 6 of us are separated into 3?!? You never cried or lost your temper for such trivial things. But you've changed. What happened to the old you when your smile was so sweet, your laugh was so contagious and when you were sad,you would have just kept quite and put on that dissatisfied look! But today you just threw those blocks that hit the floor so hard and just ran off crying! Is it just me mistaking the fact that you're just maturing and that i'm overlooking things or is the problem with you? All of us are going to be separated very soon. It's already march! Are you sleeping or what? You are quiting this month and i'm saddened by that fact. You told banana that i seemed like i didn't care? It hurts too much that no tears could come out! After you, another one who is quiting followed by my best friend! Even before the end of the year and graduation night, I'm already crying inside! You refuse to go to SMSS just because your uncle is teaching there? Think about it. Just thinking about yourself and avoiding him is not a solution! You are just letting the rest of us including me forget about you. What are you thinking? Wake up!

If you didn't leave her to go with your other friends, We wouldn't have ended up in this state! This particular day was when she was all alone!

And you! What happened to you? You never got angry with me! Did i do anything wrong? If i did, tell me! You're only making things worse when you just ignore me like that! As my best friend since we were p1, you are the one that i cannot laugh without any regrets. You gave me that look as if i was the one irritating you! Have you forgotten about my since this year cause i'm not in your class anymore? If that's the case, I would appeal for a transfer. But right now, I'm happy with my class. It's too late! Are you another one that's maturing? I think, NO! If you're maturing, you wouldn't ignore me like that! It's not like you at all.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 ( 5:22 AM )

Lols.Haven't been posting 4 very long.. Nothing to post bout but i'll post about the band uniform!! We tried on the uniform. Han wei said that it looked horrible...-_-''' Anyway, Guthigay's school uniform size is 12 and mine is 11. Her band uniform size is 34 and mine is 36?!? Lols. wierd. So after i tried on the whole uniform, Val "requested" me to wear a pair of specs cuz it fitted with the uniform. I didn't want to but in the end i still agreed. I asked someone 1st (4got who it was). But her degree was like 300-400+++ can?!? Make me go blind sia.... Then i tried on Phoebe's. Her's was only like 100-150 but still make me very giddy!!! Everyone started crowding around and i put on the specs.. I LOOKED LIKE A NERD CAN?!? Everyone was LOL-ing. Val still dare to laugh!!! >=( Haha... the inner one seemed like what Tezuka (Someone) wears... I look so damn weird in the uniform kaes! But Drea looked ok larhs... Almost everything suits her! Signing off!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008 ( 6:02 AM )

( 4:37 AM )

Haven posted in a long time. So, i watched horton with Decimal point+Kaili+Amanda. Amanda couldn't come cuz no1 fetching her..-_-''' Anyway, it's a nice movie. Here's the link for the part where the characters sing www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCkzr4s3nh8.

Band exchange!!! Argh! 1st time was horrible man-_-'' but 2nd time it was ok. Haha.. Mr Chong said jelly was too loud. Mrs Cheong said she almost had a heart attack cuz of jelly's loud playing. Haha.. Was it really THAT loud? Couldn't hear my part during the 1st time but the 2nd time was ok. I still cannot kill that stupid peanut!!! Argh!! Maybe cuz her bones are too bony... Then during the 1st round, she and sarah went UP CLOSE too take video!! I was like showing my teeth at her trying to tell her to GO AWAY!!! But she still stood there laughing!!!!

2nd time.. That baka came up stage and told me to bang the timpani siah... She kept saying,"Don't be scared..I'll be behind you!" I waned to tell her to shut up and that she's behind me that i'm scared! Haiya..But it went ok lah.. And i found out something... ALMOST everyone's blog is becoming dead especially mine... ALL BECAUSE OF PSLE!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008 ( 5:06 AM )

Band exchange 2day~Exhausted like toast. Took pictures. But too lazy to upload them. Baka nut came. Tried to kill her but couldn't.T_T..But i did manage to poke her. zzzzz. There's nothing interesting at all~

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 ( 4:10 AM )

WOOTS!!!Haha!Haven't been posting.Anyway,SCHOOL HOLIDAYS SUPPLIMENTARY ISH OVER!! YEAH!!! Haha! Band xchange on Thursday!!!<3 ~nothing much really happened. Life has gotten such a bore!~

Friday, March 7, 2008 ( 8:13 PM )

SHE cried. For the very first time in my whole 5 years i saw HER cry. She was strong willed. But SHE just broke down that moment and cried. Thanks to some one who we all detest. THAT some one doesn't even care about her kin and flesh. THAT some one even strangled her sister till she was almost out of breath and her face turned red. I'm not going to talk about it anymore. But when i see her cry, i felt like crying too. They say that laughs are contagious because it has a positive meaning. But when it comes to crying, who knows?

Thursday, March 6, 2008 ( 2:33 AM )

Wahahahaaha!!! So damn funny sia~ laugh too much today!! All caused by Guthigay, Oyster, Rou Han and Annabell!!!*+A rotten, disfigured and scraped 10cent coin!!! Haha... I laughed like mad many times today.. but this particular one made us laugh the most! Storyline by Oyster and moi~

Guthigay's friend gave her the rotten, disfigured and scraped 10cent coin.. Then, we thought of an evil scheme... "Auntie! One chocolate muffin pls!" (Rou Han.. haha..w8! still part of the scheme) *Gives auntie the coins + the 10cent. "Hey girl! Come back! Girl!" (auntie) "yeah?" (Rou Han,walking back from 3m) "I know whose coin this is ok! This is the morning the Indian girl give one right? You think i don't know is it?" (Auntie) "Huh?" (all of us) "Give me proper money ok?!?" (Auntie) "Watever lah... "(Still part of the scheme and inside laughing like mad!) *Rou Han takes out a $1 coin and gives to the auntie.... Next,Ran behind the wall and LOL-ED!! OMG! So damn funny sia! When we were about to go to the basket ball court, I said to every1,"Hey! Ask her y the 10cent coin cannot be used leh!" (moi) "Yeah! I go and ask!" (Guthigay)

*All of us walks back to the stall "Auntie! Why cannot use this 10cent coin? Still money what!?!" (Guthigay) "It's not that cannot use!" (Aunty) "Then Why--?!?" (All of us) "You know ah!! Some people give me RINGGIT $ leh! It's total dishonesty!!!"(Aunty) *Burts out laughing (all of us) "Some people give me RUPIAH and even REN MING BI!" *Burts out even more (all of us) "Some people even worst ah! Give me THAI BAHT Leh! *Laughs until i had to hold on to the support! "Omg.. Th-Th-Thai b-Baht!! Hahahaha!!" (all of us) I was thinking like,"we asked you y the 10cent could not be used but you tell me this 4 what?!?" But anyway, we laughed our heads of~ haha~ Anyone there could have laughed till your stomach really hurt!!

Next~ Guthigay asked for a plastic bag to keep the chocolate muffin. "Haiyo you all! You all polluting the environment you know! You all got learn that in Science right?" (auntie) "Actually, I don't need leh!!" (Guthigay) "Next time horh,i tell you,your children grandchildren will have a very bad environment to live in ah!!!" (auntie) Oyster was like, "Talk about OUR children and grandchildren for what?" Omg,i was laughing till i almost ran out of oxygen~ But guthigay still took the plastic bag in the end~

Next~ I forgot who suggested that we give the 10cent coin to rachella cuz she was a prefect.. Guthigay was like,"Once we give the coin ah, faster run!" "Ok! We run in that <---- direction ah!!!" (mua) Everyone:"Ok!" We went there and was like, "rachella, we found a 10cent coin..(moi) yes, and a very disfigured one! (guthigay)" *Hands the coin and dashes to <---- direction... But Nicole was still standing there!!! I was like," omg! Nicole! Y u still standing there?!?" But Rachella had already passed the coin back to Nicole!!! "Argh! Nvm lah! If no1 wants it, return to general office" (moi) "ok lorh!!!" (every1)

*Runs to general office.. (there was a lot of ppl there leh!!!) Saw Mrs Yeo and guthigay said,"Mrs Yeo,we found a 10cent coin!" *Mrs Yeo reaches out her hand to see the coin "hahahaha! You got tricked!" (every1) Haha... anyway, we went in to the general office and guthigay said, "we want to make a donation. We found a 10cent coin and a very disfigured one at that!" *Hands the coin to the office lady and she actually said,"Thank you!" *Runs out of general office and then laughs like mad! Haha! I really laughed like mad today!! Haha~ i think i said too much!! Bye bye!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 ( 4:18 AM )

Haha~Debating who was 2ND and 3rd (the race was too fast!!!<3)
Woo Hoo!!! Moi and Desih too excited!
Nat,Debbie,Decimal point and moi!
Haha~Teacher's race!!
Woots!My pop wanted to take a pic of moi but i turned back and he took oyster instead!!<3
Woots!i forgot when was this taken~when receiving prize or waiting 4 race...-_-'''
Woots! All the competitors~
Mua and the rest waiting for the baton~
Woo hoo! The final dash!
Ahhh...The results are pretty obvious now eh~

Hansy with her green pomps
Haha!got another pic of her~
Moi and Amanda!<3 href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6QXeH-9LBVKmlInw-u9xYqTKCt9VzOjjLmO1WSWo2gs4zhcie8P_z-R0P2f6FlWC59vBQbQ4uWcAJbtYhMABrxFedWR5rGaKxGMRExvravK02OhN2OxsheWChIRuew3gKYqbepn0iHNA/s1600-h/DSC_2063.JPG"> Decimal point!!! Woots!
Grass,moi and mandy!!

Whoo hoo! Zoom out!
Juice-man up close cheering
<3!!one href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhOP30ZRmVGbVodKAcxbVgbxGDZ8Tr7k7ZIr9d3BTfFcFgZhni5dgj_WUUrbpzvl0Ac6u1atIC9qrxrdY9fjKkoyTmq4OT4CbhVqE4bydrgnZEWWAkslyWFiAhIR8WGUCkfGefI4k7onno/s1600-h/DSC_2049.JPG"> Our cheer leaders and teachers!XD (Will upload the rest in my phone next time!)

( 2:26 AM )


OMG!!! BIG FRIENDSHIP PROBLEM AMONG *CENSORED* AND **CENSORED* AND ***CENSORED*!! WORST OF ALL, ALL THREE OF THEM ARE MY GOOD/VERY GOOD/BEST FRIENDS... Let's name *censored* 'Dog',**censored* 'Cat' and ***censored* 'Mouse'... *next scene....

I know i have been separated from all three of them since last year, so, 'Mouse' made new friends in class ****censored*... Soon, 'Mouse' and 'Dog' become REALLY GOOD FRIENDS... Then came 'Cat'... 'Cat' became friends with 'Mouse'. Soon enough, 'Cat' and 'Mouse' became REAL REAL REAL GOOD FRIENDS.. So real and good that 'Dog' was almost of no existence to 'Mouse' anymore. But 'Dog' didn't give up but instead continued to bear with 'Cat'. 'Dog' thinks that 'BCat is trying to OK, so called "steal" 'Mouse' from her. Soon, 'Dog' couldn't stand it anymore and burst it all out.

'Dog' started to "shout out all the things she kept inside for so long" to 'Cat' and 'Mous'. Now, 'Dog' and 'Cat' are starting to lose themselves into a world where there is only exchange of vulgarities and hatred. 'Mouse' is now stuck in between both of her good friends whom she had once laughed and joked with. 'Dog' is now very depressed over this. 'Dog', lemme tell you something. I have gone through this for about 2-3 years. And i know it really hurts. But u still have friends who care about you! If you want to vent your anger, I'll be glad to let u vent it on me. I don't mind.but 'Cat', think about it, have you ever lost a friend so close to you that you feel that your life is over and you are willing to just kill yourself without regrets just to escape the cruel world 'Dog' is currently facing? I understand how you feel. But you will also have to get through this period without breaking down.

'Dog' never meant any harm and just wanted to befriend with 'Mouse'. Now I'm hearing ppl talking about this. Some ppl advised me to; befriend 'Dog' and 'Cat' won't befriend you.Instead, 'Cat' will treat you as a betrayer who betrayed your good friend and treat you as an enemy so hatefully. OR, befriend 'Cat' and 'Dog' will treat you like a betrayer and enemy too. I AM DAMN FRUSTRATED OVER THIS HEARING THESE PPL'S NONSENSICAL ADVICE! But at the same time, i want 'Dog','Cat' and 'Mouse' to get along together as real friends. One thing i hate the most is ppl faking to be your close friend you can really trust but deep down,hates you to the core! So to you ppl who are faking with me, I'd rather you NOT continue doing this and just say the truth. Well, actually ah... I don't really think there are ppl faking with me.. But, just in case!

So, 'Dog' and 'Cat', if you really have something you want to say it out to a friend you can trust, go ahead. Nothing's stopping you.

*****Srry Dog,Cat and Mouse!!! Cuz of a CERTAIN SOMEONE that i need to refer to u guys as animals!!! (refer to tagboard)

Monday, March 3, 2008 ( 3:08 AM )

WHOO HOOOOOO~SPORTS DAY~~XD~LOL! FEARON TIED WITH GAGE-BROWN FOR THE CHEER COMPETITION! BUT NEXT TIME,WE'LL BEAT THEM! MUAHAHAHAHA! But i won't be able to witness it anymore!!! T_T Haha~and my team finally won something~ whoo hoo!! yea! we beat Amanda's team! My heart was going to have a jump out when i was standing at the track~But i prayed and prayed and we won! whoo hoo! (I think i'm saying too many whoo hoo's! but i'm so whoo hoo!) Haha! At least we won something for our last sports day...

I am so fed up with *censored*! She think she runs very fast izit? Somemore make her the last runner! *censored* was leading 4Th place when **censored* overtook her! Izen it obvious? *censored* was practically jogging!!!!!!! #%I$*Y%&%^%$%*I^!!!!!!! So team b won the 4th place in the end! AHHHH!!!!

Anyway, my hair is in a horrible shape ok!! Kelley,Jia Xuan,Amanda and Jinni took me as a guinea pig and sprayed the golden spray on my hair like--- argh! Now my hair is all "golden"..-_-''' Nvm... THEY ARE SO GONNA GET IT FROM ME TOMORROW!!! I'll try to upload the photos asap! haha..mostly me.myself and I! haha! of course lah!my father was the one who took-_-'''plus some photos i took at ymca!haha!

Sunday, March 2, 2008 ( 2:28 AM )

SPORTS DAY 2MORROW!!!AND FEARON WILL WIN!!! WHOO-HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Hope my team runs faster than Amand's and Grass' team! muahahahaha! Grass seems to be ignoring e since that incident... T_T i think she's still angry with me!!! I JUST LOVE THE PEROIDS AFTER EXAMS... Can relax... haha... But still got SYF!!! Must aim for gold yea~