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Monday, June 30, 2008 ( 4:28 AM )

Me and drea!
Da three of us:)
NO, make that four.
Um... If you read on, you'll know what this thingy is.
Ehh.... helloo. Nvr blog for quite long. I changed blogskin but i like don't really like it lehs... Anyway, tag on my tagboard if you think i should change lah. Got no music box ='... Don't care lah. Just add music box. haha. Anyway, the funniest thing like happened on Friday.

We went to Andrea's house to eat lunch and hang out. Then go back to school for the SYF opening ceremony. We went down to cold storage to buy magee mee. Then go back to her house to COOK. I was the one cooking it..... (hehe...) We poured the whole 3 packets of seasoning inside, and i thought i wouldn't be salty. So i added SOYA SAUCE. In the end it turned out tasting like SOBA.

I wanted to make DESERT. So i took the almond chocolate and put it in the microwave to melt it.

Someone passed me the plate (Andrea and me thought the plate was glass so it was ok). a few minutes late, we heard POPPING sound from the microwave. The almond had been popping in the microwave!!!! So we took it out... removed the chocolate and we found out that.... THE PLATE HAD BEEN BURNED TOO.

We put TOOTHPASTE on the plate, hoping to remove the "chao dar-ed" marks. Then suddenly someone put soap. Still ok right? Then later Si Yen and Nicole say put VINEGAR. So sick lah. Then Angel still take lime from the fridge and SQUEEZE out the juice onto the plate. ._. Then got not enough sponge already mah, she go and take the LIME and scrub! I was like, what the heck? Does this even work???? In total, we put TOOTHPASTE, SOAP, LIME AND VINEGAR onto that damn plate and we still couldn't clear the marks. So we HID the plate. Hahahaha! I hope her grand's doesn't find out or else we're damn dead. G2g!! Bye bye! Will try to upload the vid of the syf opening ceremony.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 ( 4:30 AM )

Hellos!! Just received my prince of tennis toy from kel. Haha. It's so damn cute!!! I thought she would have bought a different character but she bought my fav!!! Lols. Must be fate. (JKJK) And on Friday, SYF opening!!!! Band up first, then go for SYF opening until 9.30!!! So fun lah!!! I DEFINITELY wanna go. But some people are not. Yeah.. those patience people. I hate to say this, but they're like so selfish!!! Just want their good results. It's like the only thing in the world they want. No fun at all. So BLAH-ISH lah.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 ( 8:15 PM )

HELLOS PEOPLE!!!!! I feel like i haven't blogged in like 1 million years. haha. Must just be me. I still owe Kaili, JJ and Kat their blogs. So busy. School's gonna reopen soon!!! YEAH!!!! but jelly won't be coming for band anymore.... T_T Her mother say have to work work work and work. But jelly's doing it on free will though. She's studying so much that she totally forgot about her phone. I used to receive msgs everyday from her but now? DEAD. I just want PSLE to be over... T_T

And i realised something.... SO MANY PEOPLE are getting into relationship. I mean, what for get yourself all emo over some one when you're not at a suitable age? It's called- STUPIDITY. I read most of the blogs lately and there goes all the crappy stuff..... *No offence to those who are not of suitable age....

The things i miss the most-
School! <----- Sounds crazy but, yeah!
And of course.... THE BAND GANG!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008 ( 1:53 AM )

HELLOS!!!! Haven posted for quite a long time? Haha. Anyways, the maths course start liao.. 5 consecutive days lorh... Got this damn irritating and stupid boy in the class. Wah lao.... Every time he get the answer must shout it out... As if he's the only one who got it or the first lah... Teacher want to explain the question then he go and explain for the teacher. As if the teacher doesn't know how to answer lah!! Felt like telling him to shut up but i'll be dead if i said it out...-_-''' And my aunt kept telling me ALL SORTS of ghost stories. Damn scary... Don't think i'll be ok for a few days... haha! Nothing else! BYE BYE BEEE!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 ( 2:02 AM )

wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hana's here!!! at least got someone to come and play lah. damn bored. can't wait for band reopen!! haha! ok! byebye! nothing to say. haha!