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Friday, November 28, 2008 ( 1:49 AM )

Kena tagged again....

1. The rules of the game gets posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3.At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 6.11pm
Sisters: 0
Brothers: 0
Shoes size: *CENSORED*
Height: *CENSORED*
Where you live: Earth, Singapore.
favourite drinks: Iced tea, mocha.... Water.... More....
favourite breakfast: Um.... Ham and Bacon with baked beans and scrambled eggs<---Mum's cooking. *YEAH!* Pancakes? Big breakfast? SAUSAGE MCGRIDDLES!
Have you ever;Been on a plane: Yup yup!
Swam in an ocean: Nah....
Fallen asleep at school: Yup yup!
Broken Some one's heart: Yes.
Fell off your chair: MANY TIMES:DDDDD I love rocking my chair though it's dangerous. Haha. It's a habit. Been rocking since p1. Still trying to break the habit... Haha
Waited for someone to call: Not really..
saved emails: Yeah.... Don't bother to delete.... Or even clear them. Lazy. Haha
what is your room like: M-E-S-S-Y.
What is the last time you ate: Lunch.
Ever had:
Chicken pox: No. I don't wanna have though. Heard it's terrible....
Sore throat: Ya... VERY OFTEN.
Stitches: Ya.
Broken nose: No.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Nah.... LOVE?? You must be joking....
Like picnics: Yeah.. except for the fact that bugs will start crawling.... T.T
Who was/were the last person you danced with: The p6 bunch of nativity dancers....
:Last made you smile: Dunno.
today did you :
Talk to someone you like: Ya. On msn. My friends.
kiss anyone: Nah...
talk to an ex: No. Not really.
Miss someone: Not really...
Eat: Obviously.... In fact, i'm hungry NOW.
Best feeling in the world: Not really...
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: YES! BEAN STUFFED ANIMALS!!! Don't really like cotton ones...
Whats under your bed: Dust, old stuff.... Have to do spring cleaning one day man....
Who do you really hate: No one's on that level yet.
What time is it now: 6.21 PM
Do you have any siblings: Nah...
Do you want children: Yes? No? Maybe?
Do you smile often: Not sure on how people look at me.
Do you like your hand-writing: Not really.
Are your toe nails painted: Yeas.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: None. I still like my bed!
What color shirt are you wearing now: Black.
What were you doing at 7.00 p.m: Last night? Playing the com. Watching D.Gray-man?
When did you cry last: Last day of school for 10mins.
Are you friendly: Depends on how people look at me.
Do you have any pets: All dead.... T.T I feel real sorry for them...
Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: Nahs....
Do you sleep with the TV on: Sometimes... If it's on and i doze off or i go to sleep...
What are you doing right now: Chatting with people on MSN and doing this quiz....
Have you ever crawled through a window: Nah...
Are you closer to your mother or father: Both.
Who was the last person you cried in front of: P6es... Whoever who saw me cry on the last day...
How many people can you say you've really loved: Parents and family, confirmed. Friends, ya...
Do you eat healthy: Sometimes. I still eat junk though.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: I've been single all along...
Did you cry because of something someone said to you: Yeah. Got over it as fast...
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: Friends?
5 things I was doing 10 years ago: Sleeping, eating, playing, watching tv everyday.... (Though i don't really understand?), crawling.... (Or have i started to walk??) Dunno...
5 things on my to-do list today: Give Andrea G. back her pizza, Make sure she collects it, Give Andrea G. her papers, make sure she collects it.... last one? EAT.
5 snacks I enjoy: Snacks? A LOT.
If I were a billionaire: *THIS IS CENSORED!!* And buy lotsa mangas and cds??
5 of my bad points: Quick-tempered, lazy (HAHA!), talks much??, dunno.... Depends on how people look at me...
5 people tagged: I think I'll get slaughtered if i tag some more people... Do it if you want... *TAGS*

Thursday, November 27, 2008 ( 6:17 PM )

Haven't been quite faithful to my blog... Haha... Went ice-skating yesterday...(<--- WO SHI BEGINNER!!!) FELL DOWN 3 TIMES?!!??! Ya.... T.T 2 times on my butt and 1 on my legs.... Now my butts hurt... T.T Went with Hana and her family:DDDDD And they laughed when i fell!!! HMPH!!! Hans said it was really funny.... HMPH!!! Haha. Um..... been tagged to do this quiz by PHOEBEEESSS:DDDD

Rule 1: People who have tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new new question.
Rule 2: Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag back the person but to continue this with other people.
start time: 10.31 AM
1.Do you have secrets? Obviously...
2. Would you fall in love with a girl older than you? I'm STRAIGHT.
3. Do you enjoy going school? Surprisingly, yeah.
4. What will you do with a billion dollars? 1)*censored* 2) *censored* 3) BUY LOTSA MANGA:DDD 4) BUY LOTSAA CDSSS
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend's stead? No
6. If you have to choose one person between your best friend and girlfriend, who will you choose? Best friend. I told you I'm straight.... -.-'''
7. List out your 20 favorite songs:
01. Do me more
02. What a feeling
03. Skyline
04. Goodbye Days
05. Winter Sleep
06. A little pain
07. Velonica
08. Closer
09. Shadow of love
10. Wish
11. Rose
12. After Dark
13. Photograph
14. Musician
15. Over and over
16. It's happy line
17. Laugh away
18. That's what you get
19. D-techno life
20. Far away -CANNOT NAME ANYMORE.... NO SPACE..... - T.T
a)Which is your favourite song? Changes from time to time...
b)Which one do you think is most inspiring? Inspiring? Photograph?? Far away??
c)Which one have you known for the longest time ? Far away.
8)List 20 friends.
01. Emily
02. Esther
03. Kat
04. Phoebes
05. Tiffy
06. Brenda
07. Nel
08. Jia yi
09. Guthigay
10. Andrea G
11. Andrea L (Oi! Be gratfeul i put ur name. Haha.. jkjk)
12. Kelley
13. Desih
14. Hana
15. Grasssy
16. Jia Junnies
17. Kerilyn
18. Jellies
19. Stacia
20. Nicole
a)Which is your favourite friend? *Censored*
b)Do you think 3&17 will be best friends ? Um.... Yes? No? Maybe?
c)Who do you think is the most popular? Dunno.
d)Who do you think is the prettiest? DUNNO LAH!!!!
e)Which 2 friends do you think will make the best couple? I hope all of them are straight.
9.Is there sth that made you extremely happy? Ya, of course.
10. Who is your favorite singer/actor? Singer-Namuro Namie/Yui/Olivia Lufkin. Actor-MY KEN'ICHI MATSUYAMA!!!
11. How do you see yourself 10 years ago? A toddler who sleeps, eat, play.
12. Who is currently the most important person to you? Friends, family... Ya...
13.Whats the most important thing in your life? Music
14. Which is important? Family or Career? Family.
15. What is your favorite color? Black, Blue, White.
16. Would you give your all in a relationship? Depends.
17. If two different person fall in love with you, who will you choose? Whoever who is better. (Sorry phoebes. Only have this answer.)
18. Would you forgive the person who betrayed you? Depends.
19.What would u tell the person u love? That will be a long long time later...
20.10ppl i tagged ? Esther<--- NO MATTER HOW DEAD YOUR BLOG IS, DO IT!!!, Wei yan, Nel, Jia yi<---- I'M GIVING YOU ONE LONG POST!!!, Andrea G., Andrea L., Calwdeees, Bianca, Kelley, Desih.

Saturday, November 22, 2008 ( 6:42 AM )

Hey heyS!!
Lol. Went to suntec for AFA 2008 today!!! *YAYS!* Anime Festival Asia! Quite boring lah... actually... Just took pics of quite a lot of stuff.... Got cosplay!!! Lols. Got one guy cosplay as Sasuke.... VERY ALIKE. Haha... I hung around for quite a while... So i thought got nothing else... Went down... getting ready to go home... Lols. Then on the first floor I saw some people cosplay as Bleach characters. Got one kon and HITSUGAYA!!! AH!!! So i beggggg daddy to lemme go up again and take pics... Lols. I chiong after them. Got back into the exhibition hall... Then follow follow follow them like some stalker... Sudd got a lot of people crowd around... Then this boy go put on the Kon costume. HAHA!! Hitsugaya and hinamori go bully him.... Make him do all sorts of funny poses make everyone laugh.... Lols... But halfway camera battery died out T.T Had to use phone.... Lols. Still got the pics anyways. Lols. Took picture with Kon and Hitsugaya!!! KIA!!! So cool lah... hitsugaya pose until.... But the picture came out HORRIBLE. T.T Dad anyhow take... T.T I was so angry!!! Lols. Anyway, should have dragged along some very 'not shy' people with me... Help me ask them and help me take pics. Lols. Drag Jo along.... Can ka chao her some more.... *YAYS!* Anyways, it's only gonna be held today and tomorrow... so if u wanna go, tomorrow's the last day. Got cos play competition!! Better.... Man... should have bought 2days ticket/pass... T.T

Thursday, November 20, 2008 ( 3:18 AM )

Ah!!! Results were released today man... Highest in smps:287 Ho YuLing. CONGRATS:DDDDD A lot SOME people cried. Lols. Not as drama as i thought... Haha.... And, *YAYS!* got my guitar today!! HAPPIES HAPPIES!!!:P Anyway, my score is ald considered LOW liao can.... my class average 230 and above can?!?!? T.T Lols. Dada got 253!!! Congrats smart girl!!! I think she topped the class.... *YAYS!* Emmy and Jo's going to SMSS!!! Happiiess!! Waiting for fifi to join us... Haha. And some things happened today... But i think it's alright now.. Haha. Oh ya,
Esther got high high marks lehs. Lol. When she saw her score she screamed. Then when dada saw her score she cried. Lol.

Friday, November 14, 2008 ( 1:45 AM )

Went to St. Andrews Cathedral today. It was nice... Some other times than upload pics lah... Haha... Saw Peanut and Xing Xing there... Ok... I CRIED! T.T Haha... but not as bad as last year.. this year cry for only 10mins.. Last year 1/2 h... Hahas... It's quite obvious when i cry cuz my eyes will be red and my nose will be like rudolph's... Haha... Nel tried to make me cry.. But, HAHA! Too bad... Ah... Gonna be damn sian can... Wish something intresting can make me just smile during the holidays... That'll be enough.. Hahas. Oh ya, quite a lot of people cried too... especially megan g.... Yesterday cry. Sing dismissal hym, cry. Going home, cry. I think i just don't have enough water... Dehydrated liaos... Hahas. Esther didn't cry!!! hmph!! Nnm... 20th nov she will? Haha.

I LOVE SMPS. 5JOY'07. 6KINDNESS'08. BAND. FRIENDS. TEACHERS. MY BELOVED INSTRUMENT!!!. Sad... LAST DAY OF SCH... OH BTW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTHER YEO!!!Hahas... It's her birthday today... Ah~~just changed blogskin. How's it? Hahas...

Thursday, November 13, 2008 ( 3:51 AM )

Ah! Haven't posted in a long time? Hahas. Anyways, IT'S ONE MORE DAY TO SCHOOL END?!?! Went for grad PARTY today... SUPRISINGLY, i didn't even shed a single tear.... Man... How hard hearted have i gotten? Had to take bus home myself... And i went all the way up for nothing?!? Argh... Anyways at grad party----> Hahas... Took quite a lot of pics... But face book for some problem couldn't upload them... T.T oh ya, MCCCM went to China this year!!!!!!!!!!11 AHHHH!!!!!!!! LUCKY P5S.... Ms Aik didn't come also.... T.T Nativity play was quite SILENT... These few days were like, damn SIAN. Sch holidays goign to be even worse... T.T Ah~~ Let's talk bout the grad party... Hahas... for the 'performance'(???) 6kindness did 'Check yes juliet' goodness... It was horrible.... Hahas... Last minute decision... Ask everyone to assemble at the back all of them scrambled into the toilet... OMG.... can u imagine?!? Like almost 43 people occupying the toilet?!? Hahas. Should have taken a picture... TRYING to post the pics on face book... 20 NOV- RESULTS. I'm dead meat... Hahas...

Thursday, November 6, 2008 ( 1:35 AM )

6 Kindness got in. Don't cry people:D You did a FANTASTIC job! Sumiko: 3-POINTER EXPERT AH?? You're a pro. Don't cry lahs... Pro at everything. Hella and you covered the court very well:DDDD Patience: Greeat job!!! We almost lost to you! GO!!! You can beat your opponents!!
Hahas:DDD Oh, there were many injuries too. Hahas. Nina got dragged(?) on the floor... She couldn't stand up... Poor thing... Thigh got SCRAPED real BADLY. Yea... While playing against charity, tripped over sumiko's leg... haha... didn't see lah... Can ask claudi demo for you... But worst thing is, i didn't even know how i fell until the rest told me. I'm such a retard...Haha...
Then that anabell and stephanie go and open up FOUR alcohol swipes can?!? OUCH. Haha... Wonder how i'm gonna bathe...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 ( 3:06 AM )

You know how freakishly PISSED i am?
Though i CALM DOWN, i still CAN'T HELP but THINK.
Am i just a useless freak CLINGING onto u?
WAITING for you to make me LAUGH?
Seeing u WALK AWAY like it's NO BODY'S BUSINESS?
INSULTING me like I'm not even there?
I'm HUMAN too.
Didn't even BOTHER to WAIT.
Or am I starting to HATE you?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 ( 3:58 AM )

YEAH!!! I'm damn happy can. Don't ask why. Haha.
Anyways, today was very tiring lahs. Practice nativity play dance for a while... then practice bball for half an hour... then practice dance again.... Ouch... my knee got blue black T.T All thanks to the dance.... But ah~~~ i suck at it anyway...
T.T i'm scared of grace lehs... Their defence very strong.. We're playing them for the 1st day.... Ah... Then got foul here, foul there... L8r kena 5 fouls out liao... But nvm, KINDNESS WILL WIN!!! Haha! JIA YOUS PEOPLE:DDDD TRASH THEM ALL!!! Hahas.
And yeah!! *censored*'s coming for the party:DDDDDD
Ah~~ Nvm....

Monday, November 3, 2008 ( 2:38 AM )

Today-BAND:DDD I was too lazy to teach today so go stinky room and play... Hahas
Alumnis came back:DDD-Xing xing, Hannah (is that how u spell?), Wen Yi, jae Young (Young? Yong?) and seo rin. WOW. I didn't know Xing xing lived soooo near the school... Hahas...
Drea had something on.. so she came l8r... told me to wait at the foyer for her... so i wait...
and wait....
No sign of her... Tried calling her... but her phone couldn't recieve reception... I thought she was in the band room ald. Went down... WTH?!? SHE REALLY WAS THERE?!? Hahas...
And while going home... RAINING T.T Moreover, had to clear locker today... so i had a VERY HEAVY bag + my umbrella to carry... Geez... Drea helped me carry my umbrella till she went home (Yeah.. she lives very near to the school...). Jelly offered drea her umbrella... But we had no need for it... Thanks anyways.. oh, while walking down, MR GOH HONKED AT US WITH SEO RIN AND JAE YOUNG IN THE CAR AND JUST LIKE, ZOOOOMMMM PASS!!! >= Hahas... After drea went home... saw the xing xing, Hannah and wen yi... went up to them and was like, 'HELLOS!!' Hahas... Got xing xing to carry me bag... <---- I'm pretty devious... Haha... But felt very bad... covered her with my umbrella of course... Then l8r she was like, SUFFERING?!? See her so poor thing ask Hannah carry the bag :PPP <--- Told u i was devious... Then wen yi had to take MRT all alone back to her house... So sad... wish someone could've followed her... Oh ya, THANKS FOR CARRYING MY BAG XING XING AND HANNAH:DDDOh ya, thanks for helping me buy bubble tea too jel. BUT THE MILK WAS MISSING!!! T.T Hahas... Thanks anyways... At the bus stop saw cheng ping drinking MILK tea.. i went like, '!!!' Hahas... Anyways, haven't bought my shirt for the match yet... T.T too lazy... hahas... And its coming in 2 more days!! AHHHH!!! Btw, Hannah plays piano like pro. Hahas. WAAAAYYYY better than me... Hahas. And heard some REALLY DISGUSTING stories from xing xing and hannah.... LESBIANs IN SMSS. Omg... it was DAMN SICK. Hahas.

Saturday, November 1, 2008 ( 10:17 PM )

Oh, btw, i was at Funan for my piao lesson... when i came out of subway, there was this animation exhibition... All the animation were FANTASTIC man. I'll post them on facebook. Hope there'll be another exhibit:DDD

( 9:55 PM )

Haven't blog for quite long time? Hahas. But there are two people i REALLY want to apologise to. Hope you'll accept my apology.... though i don't really expect anything...
To *censored*:If you're reading this, i still want to tell you sorry. Even though you told me not to say that word ever again, i still have to say it. I know you feel that i have betrayed you. But, i really hope that we can talk things out.
To another one:SORRY!!!! I know it was wrong of me to do that... I'll try to make it up to you ok?!? Please don't be angry!!!
Oks... Haha... Monday-BAND:DDD I think it's the last season??? I hope there'll be holiday pracs:DDD
Yeah!! I'm going for oyster's party:DDDD Hahas... Dunno what to buy for her lehs... T_T Anyways, MY DAD'S PLANING TO BUY A GUITAR:DDDD Muahahahha!! I don't know how to strum though.... Any how strum can?? Scarely l8r neighbour come and knock door...