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Saturday, January 31, 2009 ( 11:18 PM )

Ums... Lol.
I keep forgetting what to type.
Crap!!! Seriously got short term!!!
Got a lot of probs lah.
I feel like telling someone something.
But i can't find anyone i trust.
No offence.
Cause the fact is quite hard to believe.
I don't want rumors or people teasing me.
Teasing... Ok lahs.
I take it as a joke.
I know my character and personality are... Ums... Up to you to decide.
But in this scenario, I don't think you'll ever THINK of me.
This is my very first time i'm typing this out for someone.
I don't know...

Anways... Very long nvr post liaos.
Oh, since there's nothing to type, or rather, i forgot, I'll type out something not funny.
I was at Mediya:D [Sui bian how you spell...]
Then got tepanyaki! [Sui bian how you spell...]
Lol. The lady selling it was Japanese:D
So i go there ask for one:D
Thought i was JAPANESE:D!!!
Wanted to speak to me in JAPANESE!!:D
I couldn't hear.
I went like, 'Huh?'
And she went, 'Please pay at the cashier.' English.
Then i said, 'Hai. Arigatou.' [Yes. Thanks.]
And her face was like, 'WTFREAK?!?!? YOU KNOW HOW TO SPEAK JAPANESE AND YET YOU MADE ME SPEAK ENGLISH!?!?!?!?' Haha!!! Omg!! Should have seen her face!!XDDDDDD
Haha. Ok. Not funny. I feel like playing my piano... T.T Dunno~ Play emo emo song? I"m feeling lethargic.

Bye beee!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 ( 6:31 AM )

Might be a little late? But, HAPPY CNY!!!
Still having flu...
Long term lehs.
Since like... Beginning of year?
Or December??!?!?!
Sneeze here, sneeze there...
Do i have bird flu!?!?!
NOoooo... I don't wanna die so early!!!!
Choi... Touch wood...
So... got the LOMEO and JULIET pLoject to do...
Haha. 2min presentation.
So short..
SEKARLY fail ahs... Graded lehs...
(I don't know why. But i'm speaking a lot of singlish today~~)
I dunno what to blog.
I need something...
I'm spacing my words out a lot.
If not this whole chunk would only take up very little space?
I've been YUI-searching. Haha.
Found more of her great songs:D
I'm obsessed??
I'm tired lahs.
So, bye beeee...

Asterisk~ orange range

Thursday, January 22, 2009 ( 11:17 PM )

Went back to SMPS today. Collect yearbook. Haha. Sorry jellies. Couldn't collect yours. You come back from Mongolia than collect lahs. Haha.
Hugged (According to order):
Han Wei:D

Aw mans. I really missed them. Especially Phoebes,Nurul:D and Judith! Nu's accuracy is still as good as ever. Haha. Saw tifffy and Shazana. And... AH! ANDREA LIM. Haha!!! Lols. Kat's a 'GAN JIONG' [However you spell....] queen. Very. Havn't even 12 yet and she was like,'QUICK!!!! TAKE TAXI!!! MS SENG IS LEAVING AT 2.15!!!! HURRY!!!' Haha. When we reached school it wasn't even 1. So gan jiong... And KAT KOH... YOU FORGOT TO FIND THE PRESENT... I KNEW IT!! Called you but your dad said you were sleeping... T.T

Btw, xie xie, JC for your often visit to my blog:D You've grown taller:D Haha. It's a compliment. And SMSS's Chinese new year concert is WAYYYYYYYYY better than SMPS... No offence lahs... But it was really exciting. Got dancing and WU SHU!! Haha!! Got 4 sporting ppl to demo. All failed miserably... I wanted Emmy to do lorhs... Haha. The videos were very funny too.

MS. CHUA. FOUND. OUT. ABOUT. HER. 'FANCLUB'. Haha. 'I got spies everywhere.' Lol. But she'll have found out the moment any of the teachers got online. Wanted to take pic with her lorh. She don't want... Break my heart. T.T She demo-ed Oyster doing modern dance while jumping lehs. Haha!! It was so funny:D 5Joy'07 Reunion next month, east coast, bbq. Jenny said MAYBE MCCCM would be coming. She MUST come lorhs. Form teacher lehs. If not no fun. Water bomb:DDDDDD And Mrs Chong:D Haha. Can't wait:D

Bye bye!
-In quite a good mood...-

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 ( 12:54 AM )

Hey hey:D
Did the cca thing today.
Yeah. Band. Suprisingly my 6th option was INDIAN DANCE.
Don't laugh.
The school's indian dance group is actually REALLLYYYY GOOOD.
But still, i won't get in.
Just used it as 6th option cause i found it GOOD.
Btw, EMILY got pre-selected for CHAMBER ENSENBLE a.k.a STRING ENSEMBLE.
She didn't know what was CHAMBER ENSEMBLE. Only knew there was a STRING ENSEMBLE in the school.
She wanted to join.
Learn the violin.
Haha!!! Wanted to tell her during the morning that day she did her cca thing.
But the bell rang.
So unlucky!!!
Join basketball.
All crooked crooked people...
Esther is VERY wanted.
Her name's on the pre-selection list on: Basketball, Netball, Indian Dance, Modern dance... And um... I think i forgot.
Btw, To kat: Come with us on fri ok?? Just stick with us and you'll be fine:DDDDDD Cheer ups. I don't like that sad face okie? T.T---->:D
Found some new songs of yui. Turned out to be REAL GOOD. And Aqua Timez too. YUI!!<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Btw, found out somethings about my wanted to be job. Seiyuu a.k.a Voice actor. In my case, actress. Don't understand?
Voice Actor (English)
doubleur (French)
stemartiest (Dutch)
synchronsprecher (German)
stemmeskuespiller (Danish, Norwegian)
doppiatore (Italian)
actor de doblaje (Spanish)
aktor podkładający głos (Polish)
актер или актриса, озвучивающие аниме / сейю (Russian)
Ok? Good.
Chinese ahs... Um... Dunno. You should be able to understand English though. :D Haha. Jkjk...
Found this post on a... website/blog/??

It's not easy being a seiyuu. Of course the popular seiyuu most of us know can make a living off seiyuu work alone, but think of those who haven't had a breakout yet and are still doing minor and non-credit roles. Yup, there's a lot of 'em out there. Good luck to them!I was surprised that there are only about 1600 seiyuu in Japan. Not sure if I thought the figure would be higher or lower though.

1600. 1600.1600.1600.1600!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omg. And the comments are even worse.

1)My sis-in law who works in the Japanese entertainment industry told me a new seiyuu that no one knows makes only 500 yen an hour. People who worked at Mcdonalds earned higher than that ==
2)500 yen an hour!? Wow........... That's VERY low.
3)Good lord, how much is 500 yen in US currency?
4)Like, $5.50 ish?

That's... sorta inhuman ><>.<>.> As far as I can tell, there're quite a lot less CDs out there with magical girls/harem/loli/etc on the covers than BLCDs.......
9)Hayashibara Megumi said that when she was starting out she did minor work like reading off and recording the weekly specials at the grocery market.

Just think, some of your favorite voice talents telling middle aged housewives that pork is on sale at half off or that peaches are 400 yen for four.

There is also stuff like recording bus and train schedules for automated announcement.

And I guess *CENSORED*
games where fake names are used in the credits...

The Nippon Electrical Engineering College (NEEC) comes to Anime Expo each year and gives a demonstration on voicing anime by their seiyuu students. Yes, an electrical engineering college has seiyuu classes. I imagine that most of them do not become professional seiyuu but rather electrical engineers.

If I recall, there was a video on the net of Horie Yui appearing in a video for Lawson. Or was it Family Mart... anyway, it was an instructional video on the proper way for employees to dress. She didn't speak. I guess that counts as "part time work"

Sad nes?
These were a few of the comments.
Btw, I was so shocked to see the post on that website dated 2009.
I still thuoght it was 2008.
I thuoght if it was forwarded time.
Then i looked at my com...
I SERIOUSLY thought i had gone somewhere else... T.T
Short term memory...
Bye bye beeeeeeeeee!!!

YUI-I'll be There's one in higher quality on Imeem.But cannot embed... I think... Lazy lahs.

Aqua Timez- Niji (Rainbow)

Monday, January 19, 2009 ( 2:42 AM )

I couldn't find the kitten... T.T Hope someone took it home... T.T
Anyways, got a lot of homework... I'm typing half-deadly now... Coming down with flu...
My nose hurts, my back hurts, my knee hurts my leg hurts. I got scraped five times in a row today. 1)By my nails. 2)Another one by my nails. 3)One magically appeared. 4)Appeared magically. 5)By 1E4's fan. I'm practically an accident prune. Oh ya, got into band. So band will be my CCA. Have to go back on Sat. T.T Ryde's [Rido] being played again. FINALLY. I missed it!! Haha! Btw, yest was jo's birthday.
I'm bored and tired. There's homework.

I sound emo. But i'm just tiredddddd...
Bye bye bee..
Zannies:D<--- There! A smiley. I'm not being emo.

Friday, January 16, 2009 ( 4:47 AM )

I saw a kitten on my way home.
This old lady was HOLDING it, wanting to set it free by the bushes across the street.
I was in school uniform.
I saw her.
She said ,'Very naughty. Yesterday already got 2!'
Meaning, this was the 3rd kitten.
She asked if she could put it here.
I said yeah, by the bushes.
And she said it wouldn't work.
The kitten would run out and get hit by a car.
Death. At such a young age.
After she set it free,
i heard its cries.
It was so loud i could hear it across the street.
Yet i could do nothing.
It didn't run out of the bushes.
It stayed in there. Curling up.
Do animals cry? If they do, the kitten did.
From so far away i think i saw its tears.
It was a KITTEN.
So small. Only just an inch longer than the size of your palm.
So young.
Can you imagine,
the feeling of being abandoned by the world,
when you're young,
like you don't belong here.
No one wants you.
It's so sad...
I wonder how they're going to survive.
Wish i could take it home...
I cried.
Seriously. I don't care what you're thinking now.
Bye kitty...
I'll be praying for you....
Hope you find a good owner.

The sky's so blue...

Monday, January 12, 2009 ( 3:36 AM )


Decided to blog. Went for band audi today!! :DDDD My beloved Timpani:DDDDD Haha. Andrea needs POLISHING. I wanna learn flute and CLARINET too. Lol. Basically, I find the flute interesting and nice. The clarinet's quite nice too. Lol. Though it has the same way of blowing[?] as the saxophone... Haha. Blew so hard till my face went red. XD I can only blow woodwind instruments. Not brass. Lol. Surprisingly horh, ffi CAN blow leh!!! SO SURPRISING RIGHT?!?!?! And i was in band for like, 4 years, can't even buzz. She just try at least got the basics liao lorh?!??! THIS IS NOT LOGICAL. Lol. Jojo!! Maybe playing Saxophones... Wanna join me?? Drea went back to faithful old trombone. Expected Emily not to join lorh. Go to BASKETBALL. Haha. Heard got so many CROOKED ppl there... Haha. But i saw one girl play violin so pro leh.. Nice nice... T.T Btw, I found out... 100 plus people signed up for band... 50 plus ppl turned up for audition... I think only 25-30 ppl will get selected. Haha!! All cut...

My school bag's SUPER heavy. Like, 30-40kg. And i'm only like, *CENSORED*. Back, shoulder and neck pain. I'm gonna be HUNCH-BACKED by the end of this year. And by the end of 4 years, I'll be 90cm tall. -.- Tiring lehs. And we didn't even use a book. -.-

Bye bye beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Friday, January 9, 2009 ( 12:28 AM )


Lol. So many people went back to St. Margaret's today!!! Ahhh!!! REGRET~~ REGRET~~ REGRET SIA!!!! Jenny took pic with MCCCM!!! And Phoebe went back too!!! Ehs... I feel so bad... T.T Went for chamber audition instead. NOoooooooooooooo!!! Lol. Anyway, I didn't prepare anything. T.T Not even a score. Btw, those of you who JUST fuond out i'm musical, don't 'HUH?!?!?!?!?' me ok. Like FIFI. Lol. I thought she knew. Anyway, wait for my turn... Go inside... Kenna asked to play something. The most embarrassing is that, they ask this question,
'How long have you been playing the piano?' '
'Since 4.' [So, 8 years.]
'What grade was the last exam you took?'
I felt to malu can??? Learn for 8 years only grade 'CENSORED'. Argh!! I WANT TO FASTER TAKE EXAM!!! T.T Then... The instructor play the notes on the piano, must sing and match. Btw, HANA, I PASSED THAT PART OK!!! I PASS!!! MY SINGING IS NOT HORRIBLE OK!!!
HMPH. You're not the only one who sings ya know?? Haha. jkjk... Then... clap rythm. Lol. The instructor said, 'Let me see your hands. Hmm... Long, thin fingers.... What instrument do you want to play if you get into chamber?' 'Either violin or cello.' Lol. Teacher ask 'Did you sign up for anything besides band?? Like CHOIR?' 'NO.' CHOIR. How... -.-''-ing. Lol. Instructor ask,'What do you play in the band?' 'Percussion.' 'What instrument do you play? The timpani? 'Yeah. Timpani.' WAH. SO ACCURATE. But the sad sad thing is that they said that i can only choose between band and chamber. T.T So... Audition for chamber today... 9/1. Band on 12/1. Badminton on 15/1. But i heard badminton's training is LIVING HELL. O.O Band's training quite tough too. Lol. Instructor said that is i learn violin, it's gonna be very hard. Harder than piano. Have to practice everyday. -.- Lol. I think i'll try:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD But i wanna go band too~~ Hais. And the Chamber Ensemble room and Band room are NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Haha!! Run to two places lorh... But SMSS's band is quite good leh. Found out Mitsuo Nonami actually visited them...

Ja datteba~~
I wanna read fruits basket again. Haha.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 ( 4:47 AM )

Hey hey...
I need coffee!! So tired... Orientation camp~last day... Sad sad... T.T Really enjoyed myself sias:DDDDDDDDDDDD Lol. And i'm also sad sad... T.T Chamber didn't invite me~~ Drea got it, Jo got it, Rachel got it.... T.T JO, DREA, PLAY YOUR WORST OK?? COME JOIN BAND WITH ME:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD PLAY. YOUR. WORST. YOUR. VERY. VERY. WORST. GO OUT OF TUNE!!! Lol. Btw, if some of you come to my blog, the blog skin may have some probs with the images. So you might see some photobucket note there. Haha. EXCO and facils were so funny... CHEER! I like the 'gako geko piong' cheer. Lol. I kept singing it today. Btw, i found a toilet buddy!: VANESSA QUEK! Lol. Don't be mistaken. She just accompanies me to the ladies. Co-toilet buddy!: Evan. Lol. In case Vanessa's absent. Haha!! Sounds wierd... Woah. Just remembered 4 days never watch DGM liao... I miss it... T.T No time lorhs... Maybe tomorrow?? Sch let off early and no camp~~ Haha


Monday, January 5, 2009 ( 4:04 AM )

HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!
FINALLY CHANGED BLOGSKIN AND URL!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Thanks jo for brainstorming;DDDDDDDDDDDD Tag and comment kays?!?!?! YEAH! And i can think what you're thinking now 'OMG. THIS URL IS SO... UNLIKE ZANETA...' Yeah. I DON'T WANT AN EMO-ISH KINDA URL AND BLOGSKIN AND STUFF. I'M CHANGING. GET USE TO IT. DON'T 'WHAT THE HELL' ME. OK? Said, clear. If you can't change that, BYE BYE!! Eh.. Actually song still abit lah... But the opening's nice:DD GUITAR:DD Btw, Sorry nel.. Still owe you a quiz. Haha. This post very long liao can? Haha.

Orientation camp! Lol. I love the HAUNTED HOUSE today!!! If you didn't go, aws... you missed the fun!!
The facil will tell you this story: 'Did you know our sch used to be a burial ground? This room here is called 'The space". Prisoners died there. They were tortured in the 'Armoury room'. *Points to a room which door has so high security that it's MADE OF STEEL AND HAS THREE BIG LOCKS ON IT.* O.O When you go into the room, do not make noise and scream or you'll wake the dead. You'll be going into the room through an obstacle test.'

O.O 1/3 B came out and one girl was crying. I thought, 'That scary meh??' One facil said, 'If you don't want to go inside the room and you cannot do it, then don't go.' The girl infront of me was freaking out. HER FACE STARTED GOING PALE.... She got out of the line and then she came back again. -.- Her face was still pale sia....

Go inside the room... Haha. Everyone was so scared we started singing twinkle twinkle little star! Clawd behind said, 'SHHHH!!! DON'T WAKE THE DEAD!!!!!!' -.- Actually if you think about it, we shouldn't be having it tough. It the facils. They would be staying inside the room for longer than us and they should be more afraid. So this whole set-up was obviously fake. -.-

BEFORE we went through the first obstacle, [crawl under table] the girl infront of me backed out sia... Left me kena disconnected... T.T Actually i was thinking if the facils wanted to scare us, they should be grabbing our legs while crawling. Haha. While walking past chairs, some one started crying. Then i saw a facil sitting on a chair holding a ball. Haha!! I went like, 'I SEE YOU!! I SEE YOU!!!!' Man. She threw the ball straight into my face. -.- MY RIGHT EYE!!! T.T

Evan actually didn't know what was under the table. [We had to crawk under two tables] She asked, 'What that ah?' And one facil replied, 'MY SHIT.' Hahahaha!! It was actually corn starch. The facils wanted to make it look and feel like blood... But it was WHITE. Haha. SOOOO FUNNNN!!! If i were the one in charge of that station i'll... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Grand finale tomorrow! Hahaha! Btw: I'm actually typing this whole post on the second time. The first one got deleted. T.T And if you wanna link me, it's
http://www.rainb0w-addicti0n.blogspot.com/. The rainbow's 'O' and the addiciton's 'O' is a ZERO! '0'. If you can't understand just copy and past. Haha. Updated my play list too. I think i like VELONICA now. :DDDDDDDDDDD AQUA TIMEZ!! And gekidou from UVERworld!! And doubt and trust from ACCESS. And... Haha. Nvm. Too long. Post the pv for it!! :DDDDDDDDDD

Gonna watch finish D.gray-man soon!! Btw, anyone know who's 'Yumi Morita'? I know she's the um... Artiste? Composer? of MUSICIAN! Lol. It's a song! Ehs... The song's on my playlist above the post. One with vocals and one piano solo. Learning the piano solo vers. now:DDD Lala's lulluby is good to. Wada Kaoru. She has many songs!! But i've yet to know who she is too yet... T.T There are not pics of Yumi on google... Maybe i'll go facebook or photobucket... Maybe i'll upload the vids of the songs. D.gray-man songs are good:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I FEL GOOD! TANANANANANANA! *strums air guitar* [Adapted from orientation camp! Lol. This cheer was damn funny. In slow mo.]
Enjoy the vids! Though i know some of you won't bother bout them. Haha.

Velonica- Aqua Timez

Gekidou- UVERworld

Doubt and trust- Access
I didn't really like the song at first but later it became catchy:DDDDDDD

Innocent sorrow- Abigdon boys school

Musician piano solo. The girl changed the tempo over time but i wanted to show the vid with someone playing...

Musician piano solo [2].

Lala's lullaby!! HEARTS HEARTS!! It's in Latin!

And while i was searching for musician from Xald, i found a video from Xald. T.T So sad... Hope you can come back soon xald. You're arrangements and music are first class. Hope you feel better and will be able to find another friend as good as Remizen... T.T Will miss your arrangements for 3 months... T.T Can't post it here. Embedding disabled.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NO MORE MUSIC FROM XALD!!!! DON'T QUIT!! PLEASE!! Though it's hard...T.T

Friday, January 2, 2009 ( 4:24 AM )

Lol. You're officially a teenager!!!
SMSS is.... Haha... yeah...
Anyway tomorrow still need to go back to sch for CCA EXHIBITION[?].
Btw, I SAW ONE GIRL. LOOKED LIKE PHOEBE. I ALMOST CALLED OUT TO HER. And later i thought... SHE DOESN'T REALLY LOOK LIKE HER. AND, OH YA! PHOEBE'S IN SOTA. T.T Then, saw one girl look like HAN WEI. Gosh. It's either hallucination or i'm just mentally unsound. I MISSSSS JUDITHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! JCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU FLY TO MGS?!?!?!?!?!? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE COMING TO SMSS!!!! T.T My class... SEC 1E3. 2/3 pupils from other sch. 1/3 people from SMPS. The only cloase friend there is GUTHIGAY. What to do!?!??!!? Oh, clawd, deb, vanessa.q and evan are all there too lahs... :DDDDDDDDDD The food's not bad... :DDDDDDDDDD Btw, something happened in the bus... I laughed like siao.
Scene: In the bus. Jia Xuan, Jia Jun, Grace and me sitting at back seat. Two elderly man come and wants to sit.
Me: *Squeezes grass to the corner*
Me-JJ: 'Oi! Move!! People want to seat!!'
Jj and Jx: *Move.....*
*First man sits down.*
Me:'Not enough space....'
*Four of us squeeze....*
*Second man sits down.*
Second man: 'Thanks you!* *Points to JX and says 'Primary 2 ah?'
First man says:'Jotto mate ne?'
I went like, WHAT?!?!?! YOU SPEAK JAPANESE?!?!!? -.- I was laughing like mad and then grass poked me and i totally fell off the seat. T.T STILL LAUGH!!!! And JX and JJ had stomach aches after eating Grass' chewing gum... Luckily i didn't. And the JX went like, 'I want to PANG SAI.' Omg. Hahahahaha!!!! Btw, THANKS FOR THE PREZZIES NELIEL TU ODERSCHVANK AND FIFI!!!
Lol... Nel bought me this D.Gray-man phone strap and fifi gave me a towel drink. Haha. KAWAII~~ Haha. I think i'm gonna join Band;chamber ensemble;one sports cca. Lol. MAYBE. See tomorrow's cca exhibit first. Haha. Joining chamber ensemble to learn VIOLIN. I dun mind the cello... But i think i prefer violin... And WAH. SMSS SO DAMN STRICT SIA. T.T Lol. So diff from SMPS. And got another quiz. Tagged by neliel. Do it some other day when i'm not so tired... T.T

Bathe, eat, SLEEP!
<-may swop->